

Quote of the Day

Sunday night I preached a sermon on Heaven based on Revelation 21-22. On 21:2, where John saw the city coming down from Heaven, "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband," I commented that marriage is the greatest relationship this side of Heaven and is often used about Jesus and the church (2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:22-32). I even dared to say that this particular phrase, "adorned for her husband," may specifically allude to sex, meaning that the joys of Heaven will be even greater than sex (though I chose slightly more palatable words in the sermon).

Nevertheless, a sweet, gray-haired lady from our church came into my office this morning for her weekly hug and said something that made my day.

Sweet, gray-haired lady: "That sermon you preached Sunday night...that about the sex...I've never thought about that."

Me: "Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to be risque but I think it's in there."

Sweet, gray-haired lady: "Oh me too. I liked that. I may be old but I remember what that was like!"

Gotta love it!


  1. i stinkin love this!!! and i love that sweet, gray-haired lady! you are so funny!

  2. that is HILARIOUS!! i think i peed my pants a little.

    i'm so glad jessica put a link to your blog on her blog! i've been meaning to find it!

  3. haha...I nearly hit the floor when she said it! Gotta love the little old ladies:)



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