

Getting Out of a Funk

Do you ever desire to ride a spiritual high but you feel like you're in a valley? After a while of having to force myself into Scripture memorization and concentration on spiritual things, this is what I read...

The Voice of Christ

My child, you cannot always continue in the more fervent desire of virtue, or remain in the higher stage of contemplation, but because of humanity's sin you must sometimes descend to lower things and bear the burden of this corruptible life, albeit unwillingly and wearily. As long as you wear a mortal body you will suffer weariness and heaviness of heart. You ought, therefore, to bewail in the flesh the burden of the flesh which keeps you from giving yourself unceasingly to spiritual exercises and divine contemplation.

In such condition, it is well for you to apply yourself to humble, outward works and to refresh yourself in good deeds, to await with unshaken confidence My heavenly visitation, patiently to bear your exile and dryness of mind until you are again visited by Me and freed of all anxieties. For I will cause you to forget your labors and to enjoy inward quiet. I will spread before you the open fields of the Scriptures, so that with an open heart you may begin to advance in the way of My commandments. And you will say: the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the future glory which shall be revealed to us.

(Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, book 3, chapter 51)


  1. I feel that way a lot lately. I heard a really good podcast on being renewed and why we don't have that 'spiritual high' all the time. I'll have to find it and link you later.

    p.s. Love your tagline by your picture. Dig it.

  2. Yeah, I'd love to hear that.

    Baby Got Books:)



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